Diet and Tips That Help In Lowering the Risks of Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is a common type of cancer across the world. However, it has been determined that incidences of this disease are low in India due to high intake of fiber and a balanced amount of fat, carbs, and proteins. The influence of western culture has led many people to consume junk food. Many people are prone to colon cancer risks due to lack of healthy diets.

Colon cancer risks include smoking, diet, obesity, age, family history, alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, racial background, having type 2 diabetes, and more. However, one can reduce the risks of colorectal cancer with the following tips:

Regular screening – Regular screening, especially for people at a high risk of the disease, helps to detect the cancer early enough to have it treated. Early detection allows for better prognosis as well as helping in averting the consequences before it spreads.

Consume more vitamin D and calcium – Foods rich in vitamin D and calcium can lower colorectal cancer risks. Calcium can reduce the risk by binding to the ionized fatty acids and carcinogenic bile acids to reduce the potential effects of these compounds on the colonic mucosa. Vitamin D, on the other hand, potentially regulates cell differentiation and proliferation in colon cancer cell lines.

Stop smoking and consuming alcohol – Smoking is one of the risk factors of colon cancer. To reduce this risk, one has to stop smoking. Consume alcohol in very low quantities to reduce the risk of developing colon cancer.

Maintain a healthy weight – Obesity poses a risk to many kinds of cancers. The only way to reduce the chances of developing colon cancer is by maintaining a healthy weight at all times.

Proper diet – Avoid processed foods, pork and red meat to reduce inflammation in the intestines. Instead, use fibrous foods such as beans, peas, whole grains, and carrots. 

The colon plays a key role in the digestive system, which processes and supplies nutrients to the body to keep one healthy and strong. As such, maintaining a nutritious diet and eating well is one of the ways of reducing the risks of colorectal cancer.


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