How to Cope with Metastatic Cancer in Texas

Metastatic cancer is caused by cells that have breached their containment in the affected organ and spread to other body parts through the blood vessels or the lymph nodes. Metastatic cancer can spread to organs such as the liver, lung, brain or bones. High grade cancer is the most aggressive of all cancers because of its rapid spreading.

Here are some of the facts about metastatic cancer:
  • In metastatic cancer, the cancer cells usually break away from their original location and travel through the bloodstream and lymph nodes to create new metastatic tumors in other body parts. It’s not easy to self-diagnose metastatic cancer, but the disease presents certain symptoms that can help physicians to recognize the disease. Its symptoms are based on the location and size of the metastatic tumor.
  • Recovery from metastatic cancer may not be possible for all patients. With better treatments available, doctors try to treat the disease even if it's not curable. Instead, doctors can improve the quality of life of the patient for months or years. 
  • The treatment for metastatic cancer depends on the patient’s type of cancer, the treatment options available and the patient’s wishes. Treatment also depends on the general health, the age, the patient’s previous treatment, among other factors. 
  • The treatment options for metastatic cancer include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery and biologic therapy. The goals of treating this disease may not be to cure it but to help the patient live a quality life for a longer period. Most treatment goals aim to:
                ➢Make patients have minimum side effects from cancer.
                ➢Make the patients live a better quality of life 
                ➢Allow the patient to live longer

Metastatic cancer of the bone presents symptoms such as excessive pain, difficulty in walking and sudden fractures. For metastatic brain cancer, the patient experiences seizures, headaches, dizziness and visual problems. Patients with metastatic lung cancers experience shortness of breath while those with metastatic liver cancer will have random swellings in the belly or have jaundice.


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